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11:05 a.m. - 2007-11-21
In which You want to look away but can not

It�s not fair. I am going to whine and nobody can stop me. I have reached the hate peak because I am being used and thrown around like a box of cheap tissues.

Even my funny drunken whore tenant story is not even funny anymore! The train wreck of a woman I ran into at the bar on Friday night is making my life difficult.

It all started innocently enough with the workies drinking at our table at the skanky water bar. I had been at the other office all week with the Short Stop and we were eager to catch up with my Tootsie and Barbie. We had just started getting our drink on when the Train Wreck walked in. She looked distraught, so we asked her what was going on.

Quick description of TW: 40ish, crispy bleached blond hair, white halter top and ripped jeans, lots of jewelry, lipstick way outside the lines�.

She launched into a story about how her boyfriend broke up with her via text message and broke her heart. She was just there meeting up with her friend, but she wanted to kill herself. We told her to sit down and relax and even got her a drink to calm her down.

Her friend came in and asked the TW what was wrong. She told her that she had broken up with her boyfriend. Her friend asked, �which boyfriend?� We knew that was not a good sign. The friend then sat down with us too. She was great actually.

The TW decided that the only way she was going to get over this boyfriend of 1 � months, whom she loved, was to sleep with another guy. We offered up several candidates at the bar, but she was not liking the choices. Eventually, the two of them set off for the meat market bar down the street.

I figured that would be the end of it, but no. I got a call the next morning from Tootsie who got ambushed when he walked in the door of the office. TW had gone absolutely drunken crazy the night before and pissed off everyone on her floor. The neighbors were all waiting to demand justice like villagers with pitchforks and torches.

Apparently what had happened was that when she finally stumbled her ass home the night before, she texted an old boyfriend, but not the same one, that she wanted to kill herself. She meant it dramatically, but he took her seriously and came out to the building. He and my doorman got no response from her apartment and called the police. They showed up and knocked in her door because she was too passed out to answer the door. They left when they realized she wasn�t dead. Several hours later she started pounding on the walls of her apartment and threatening all of her neighbors at the top of her lungs.

This is about the fourth incident of this kind we have had with her, and we are all done. We are just trying to figure out a way of getting her out of the building without all breaking loose even more than it already has.

On the way home, I did get the message from Tootsie that the Boss had called TW and told her that she has to be out by this weekend or it�s going to court. Ooooh, this is going to get ugly.

I am leaving work early today because I get to ride in the car for several hours with my entire family! Yay! There is nothing to warm the cockles of my heart like a road trip with the fam in the middle of a rain turning to snow storm. And that is just the prelude to four glorious days in beautiful Steven�s Point, Wisconsin!

Yes, I am going on the Brewery tour. No, I have no idea what else one does in Steven�s Point except eat.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Remember, just cause we�re snarky does not mean that we can�t give thanks for things to be snarky about.


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